Creating Images for series

The year is already flying by. I’m excited about the opportunities coming to my career this year. I’ve been playing catch up. Getting back into my writing schedule. Some of my friends tease me about always changing my writing calendar. Yeah I have one. I’m an organization freak. LOL. The good thing about having a writing schedule is that I have an idea of what I will be writing next. I also have my schedule set so it leaves flexibility for me to change and shift things around. I have another friend who has a writing calendar also and we are always discussing the changes we make. How it helps keep us on track and set our long term writing career goals.

The schedule helps me a lot with my writing and planning out my various series. I love writing series because I get to get deep into the world, see previous characters and develop more. It is fun and of course time consuming. You must make sure that you keep the thread of the series accurate to your previous books and so on. LOL. But I love it. It’s like a puzzle that keeps getting more pieces that fit together to create a beautiful image.

I love creating each piece to my image of my series and writing the next book. It’s like opening a candy jar and finding my favorite candies. I guess that is why I tend to like to read series too. To get deep into the world and people there.

Taige Crenshaw
…increasing the sizzle factor

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Creating Images for seriesBody Cravings – A woman afraid to open herself up is taken on a journey that unleashes all her desires, unlocking all the want she feels inside. (A Novel set in Trescott Cove)

Buy Here at Liquid Silver Book.

6 Responses to Creating Images for series

  1. Taige Crenshaw

    Hi Cathy M thanks.

    Sara hurt – Hope you do and enjoy it.

    Rebecca J Vickery – Took me a while to get organized and each writer has to do what works for them.

    Tehya – Thanks. It is fun creating worlds. And I am like you hate waiting years for books in a series to come out. But I know release dates are not something an author can control. Yet I want them to give me at least one preferably more a year.

    Caffey – Exactly it is like revisiting friends. And I want to know more and more about them.

  2. Caffey

    Hi Taige! I love getting into the ‘world’ developed for the series and love that we can go back and re-visit! I know when I’m reading, I’m taken out of my surrounds and right into that world I’m reading! Love it!

    I must check, but I think I got the first in this series to read, if not I’ll have to change that!

  3. Tehya

    Love the unique approach to it, Taige! Love series books when an author is very productive. Hates waiting years for a book to come out and reads a series where its that before you get the next book. Awesome images! Will be looking for this.

  4. Rebecca J Vickery

    Sounds like you are alot more organized than me…and probably accomplish more, too. LOL I am a totally impulsive writer. I wish I could be more organized…might actually finish something.

    Body Cravings looks like a very…uhm…stimulating read. Can’t wait. LOL

    Best wishes for lots of sales and happy writing,
    Rebecca J Vickery

  5. sara hurt

    Wow I love the look of this book, sounds amazing and hope to get my hands on it.

  6. Cathy M

    Just read the excerpt and added your story to my wish list.

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