No Judgments

  • Author Meg Cabot
  • Release Date September 24, 2019
  • Publisher William Morrow
  • ISBN/ASIN 9780062890047/B07G13Z9GJ
  • Our Rating
  • Reviewed by Michele Rioli

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Our Review

NO JUDGMENTS is a storm-fueled romance that will sweep you off your feet! A couple months ago, Sabrina “Bree” Beckham, flees from a catastrophic situation to the tranquil shores of Little Bridge, Florida. It is a small island filled with charming houses and equally welcoming people. It is her family’s preferred leisure location. Weather reports a severe hurricane is imminent and residents are recommended to evacuate. Bree loves her present digs and doesn’t plan on deserting. Will the fierce storm change her mind?

Bree hunkers down with the most seasoned residents. She has access to a landline phone and plenty of supplies, with aid from her employer, the Hartwells. Her disrespectful, detestable ex-boyfriend calls to say that he will fly her out of there. She flatly refuses!

However, the hurricane is brutal and many pets are left behind in their haste to leave. Bree is concerned for all the animals and devises a plan to save them, listing her landline. The evacuees just need to call her, no questions or judgments asked. Will she succeed?

It’s a huge job, but Bree is determined. Her boss sends her handsome nephew, Drew Hartwell, to help her out. Bree has heard rumors of him, alluding to a roving romeo. However, working closely with Drew she soon learns he isn’t what rumors report. Plus, she’s falling for the funny, sexy guy! Drew is equally attracted to the quirky, foxy Bree. Is this the real thing or just a swirling crush?

NO JUDGMENTS is a real trip, witty, wacky and wonderfully swoon-worthy! It’s an honest depiction of how an abusive situation and dishonesty can wreak emotional scars. Distance and a new life can be saviors in many cases. Bree Beckham learns that and more living in her favorite Little Bridge community. Ms. Cabot transforms a beautiful real story into a fabled one that is a winner! I absolutely adore all the charismatic people and the precious animals that populate this novel. Bree’s generosity actually melted my heart! Ms. Cabot delivers the perfect dose of humor, rich characters and unique plot, Cabot-style! NO JUDGMENTS is earthy, noble and refreshingly tender. Saucy and lovely!

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