Welcome Guest Blogger Anny Cook!!!

Where has the month gone? It seems like yesterday I was still getting ready for Christmas and now it’s almost February. Anyway here to help us all start our week off right is author Anny Cook.

Anny writes sexy and action packed novels for Ellora’s Cave and Cerridwen Press and today she’ll be discussing how she created the world that lives within the pages of her Mystic Valley Series. 

For now take a few minutes to learn a little bit more about Anny and her up coming release Honeysuckle. 

I’m old enough to know better and young
enough to be daring. I have a husband who
encourages me to write and provides the time
and a place to do so. I have children who are
proud of the things I’ve accomplished and
grandchildren who are too young to know what
that might be.

An elderly cat keeps me company as I do the one
 thing I really, really love to do…and that is
 write. I’m so lucky that my life has circled back
 around to this place where I can sit at my desk
 as long as I want, imagining and creating new
 worlds, new characters, and writing about their
 lives. I hope you enjoy my creations as much as
 I do.

Honeysuckle by Anny Cook



Anny Cook

The second book in the Flowers of Camelot 

When Florian LeFleur’s wife runs away with an acrobatic troupe leaving him with three marriageable daughters, he resolves to take them to Came-a-lot in search of husbands. Honeysuckle, his middle daughter resigns herself to settling for just one man though in her heart she longs to find two special men who will willingly make mad passionate love to her for the rest of their days. 

The first night on the road at the inn, Honeysuckle encounters the hunkalicious Hieney twins, Peter and Dick, who claim her immediately and announce their intentions to marry her at the first opportunity. Their plans are delayed as they deal with a coup attempt against King Arthur, the twins’ abduction by a wicked sorceress, wild poison-induced passion in a cave, and a sexy well endowed unicorn.   

Can the Hieney brothers overcome all obstacles to claim Honeysuckle in marriage?

2 Responses to Welcome Guest Blogger Anny Cook!!!

  1. tina brunelle

    love love love this cover!!

  2. peggy

    this book sounds hot

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