A Prize for your thoughts....
Hey there! I need feedback/opinion from readers…. I am working on a new vampire tale, one that is set in Italy, and features a very sexy Sicilian Prince as the hero. I’m trying something new, combining two mediums in essence, prose and poetics to bridge the scenes, so I’d like you to look at this piece, it’s one of the bridging pieces, and let me know what you think of the idea.
Fantasy Pages: http://fantasy-pages.blogspot.com
I’ll grab a name from the commenters on Friday evening, (Janaury 16th), and you can select a book as your thank you…
Also, if you want to read the original excerpt that will introduce you to the Prince, check here: http://fantasy-pages.blogspot.com/2008/07/meet-sebastiano-diadema.html
Thanks so much for …. Please let me know what you think of the idea, and how this works for you, the reader. Much appreciated, believe me!
Blessings to all….
Denysé Bridger
Website: http://www.denysebridger.com
Blog: http://fantasy-pages.blogspot.com
Amore Senza Confini: http://amoresenzaconfini.blogspot.com
Acquisitions Manager/Editor-in-Chief
Absolute XPress, Romance Division
E-mail: romance@absolute-x-press.com
Website: http://absolute-x-press.com
I really enjoyed how you brought the elements together in your scene using lyrical prose and poetry. Awesome! It really imbues an otherworldly feel to the scene. If you are looking to enhance your surroundings, creating an etheral sense, you are right on the mark!
Loved it!
I posted my full comments at Denyse’s blog but I wanted to say that I really like short bridges!
This is a very interesting way to bridge the two. Hats off to you Denyse’ !
Will keep watching and see how it goes.