First Loves and Lasting Loves by Heather Burch

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First Loves and Lasting Loves by Heather Burch

What is it about first loves? They never really leave us. They are the memories which carve the emotional rooms we place our best and worst moments in. They are the foundation of all other relationships that follow and become the building blocks of how we react to the opposite sex.

In my new release, Down the Hidden Path, Mary Grace “Gray” Smith is having to wrestle with some unsettling truths. She’s been thrown into the fray with a past love who happens to be her best friend from high school. She’s a woman now, but a long ago incident puts Jeremiah on her front doorstep some twelve years later. Fact is, she never really recovered from Storm Jeremiah.

To give you a glimpse into Down the Hidden Path, I thought I’d let Gray talk:

“Winters in River Rock can be brutal or beautiful, and you never know which one it will be. If I’d have thought I’d be staying under Jeremiah’s roof during the long weeks of snow and ice, I’d have said, no way. But here I am. As cold on the inside as the mountain wind off the sycamore trees covered with snow. Frozen as the lake that snakes along Jeremiah’s property. That’s how I feel, frozen. My heart is ripped in two. And the very worst part, I’ve done this to myself. Sure, I love Jeremiah. I always have. My heart holds the very best part of him. And every day I’m reminded of what I’ve lost … and gained… by letting him walk out of my life twelve years ago. First loves? They’re a beast. They’re also a jewel. Looking back, I wouldn’t have changed a thing about the one night when Jeremiah was mine. Even if it did crush my heart. Even if I’m still trying to figure out how to get over him. If you find yourself—willingly or otherwise—living under the same roof as a past love, make sure there’s a blazing fire in the fireplace and a pot of cocoa on the stove. It won’t heal your heart, but at least it’ll keep you warm.”

Gray is one of my favorite characters I’ve ever written. Telling her story had me thinking about my own past, my own choices and the decisions I made that altered everything. I hope you enjoy her tale. I think we can all find a little bit of “Gray” inside our own hearts.

About the Book

Title: Down the Hidden Path
Author: Heather Burch
Release Date: 12/1/15
Publisher: Montlake Romance
Genre: Contemporary Romance



Jeremiah McKinley is the first of his enlisted brothers to return home to River Rock, Missouri—their sleepy but charming hometown in the Ozarks—in the wake of their father’s death in combat. While he’s grateful to be home with his sister nearby, his grief over losing the man known as Major Mack proves almost overwhelming, especially without his brothers around.

After years of guilt and tireless effort, Mary Grace “Gray” Smith finally has her life on track. The last person she wants to see is Jeremiah: her former best friend, former crush, and the man who could easily destroy the one thing she holds most dear. But after one of Jeremiah’s brothers returns home with a head injury, Gray becomes his therapist—and a long-kept secret threatens to reveal itself and alter the course of several lives forever. Could this secret also give Jeremiah and Gray the chance to finally have the future together they always longed for?


Author Biography

Heather Burch has always been drawn to epic stories about love and loss. She has a wide range of tales from sagas of love lost then rekindled to high adventure young adult novels. But in all, you will find a common thread. She calls it the soul-mate factor. So, jump on in and enjoy the journey with her unforgettable characters. Whether they’re saving the world or just their own lives, they find their inner strength and risk it all for that elusive thing called love.

Heather lives in Florida where she writes full time and has conversations with fictional people. Every. Single. Day.

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