Home for a Cowboy by Amy Aislin

Home for a Cowboy by Amy Aislin

Home for a Cowboy is about giving love a chance and discovering where you belong… Amy Aislin

Las doesn’t date seasonal workers. Marco’s on a three-month contract.

Lassiter Windsor-March has been planning for his future for as long as he can remember and he knows exactly where that future lies: at his family’s ranch in Wyoming. What doesn’t lie in his future is a summer fling with one of the seasonal workers—they never stick around.

Even if one of those workers is the college crush he’s invited to work a summer job at the ranch.


Mountains, starry skies, and romance: writing my first cowboy novel

Thank you for joining me to celebrate the release of my newest m/m romance, Home for a Cowboy, the first book in my brand new cowboy romance trilogy, Windsor, Wyoming. It features a friends to lovers, opposites attract romance, lots of stargazing, sexy times in the hay, and pining for days! And thank you to Romance Junkies for having me and allowing me to briefly take over the blog.

Home for a Cowboy is my first foray into cowboy novels and to be honest, it was incredibly daunting. Prior to writing it, what I knew about cowboys, horses, and ranch life could fit on the head of a pin. Not to mention that I’d never been to Wyoming—still haven’t. Youtube was a great research tool here.

I knew, however, what I wanted this novel to reflect: quiet but hardworking mountain life, beautiful scenery, star-strewn skies, and a lovely romance. I knew that I wanted nature to play a large role in the story, and that it would often act as a mirror to what was happening in the novel. As such, this story is much dreamier than my previous ones, and my descriptions are more fanciful than my readers might perhaps be used to. That, however, is the beauty of writing. I can switch things up to fit the story as needed.

Home for a Cowboy takes place on the fictional Windsor Ranch in the fictional Windsor, Wyoming. It’s a ranch owned by the parents of one of my main characters, Lassiter, and he adores everything about it. At his core, Las wants to share his love of the ranch and the mountains with someone who will appreciate it as much as he does.

Las is a very practical guy. Marco, conversely, turned out to be much more whimsical, and so descriptions of the ranch from his point of view are lusher and more colourful, even though he’s a complete fish out of water. Ultimately, however, it’s Las love of this place he calls home that pulls Marco in to the beauty of it.

I hope you’ll give Home for a Cowboy a read and enjoy the rich descriptions of Las’s ranch, his mountains, and his stars just as much as I do. Outside of Las and Marco’s romance, it was my favourite part of writing their story.

Home for a Cowboy by Amy Aislin

Las doesn’t date seasonal workers. Marco’s on a three-month contract.

Lassiter Windsor-March has been planning for his future for as long as he can remember and he knows exactly where that future lies: at his family’s ranch in Wyoming. What doesn’t lie in his future is a summer fling with one of the seasonal workers—they never stick around.

Even if one of those workers is the college crush he’s invited to work a summer job at the ranch.

Marco Terlizzese is as laissez-faire as Las isn’t. He might not know where he’ll be once his contract with Windsor Ranch is up, but he knows three months is plenty of time to get his long-time crush to agree to go out with him.

Amid a starry summer sky, their chemistry ignites as feelings deepen, forcing Las and Marco to decide where they truly belong.

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Tracing the Little Dipper with his eyes, he hugged his arms to himself, chasing off a chilled breeze that snuck under his hoodie despite the fire, and comforted himself with the possibility that maybe Las was at home right now, wherever home was, gazing out his bedroom window, or perhaps lying on his back on top of a sleeping bag next to his tent, blinking up at the same stars as Marco.

And on Marco’s face, a slack jaw, wide eyes, open staring. “How is this real?” His tone was reverent.

“It’s even better at sunset.” Las kept his voice just as soft. “The sun goes down right over there, behind that mountain.” He let a smile curl his lips. “But if we came at sunset we’d be walking back in the dark and I remember a certain someone is afraid of what lurks in the dark.”

Marco did a slow pan toward him. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

If Las’s mountains and stars couldn’t convince Marco to stay, he wasn’t sure anything could. Las would keep losing tiny parts of himself to Marco until he didn’t have anything left to give.

It would be worth it. Marco was worth much more than a broken heart.

Amy Aislin

Amy’s lived with her head in the clouds since she first picked up a book as a child, and being fluent in two languages means she’s read a lot of books! She first picked up a pen on a rainy day in fourth grade when her class had to stay inside for recess. Tales of treasure hunts with her classmates eventually morphed into love stories between men, and she’s been writing ever since. She writes evenings and weekends—or whenever she isn’t at her full-time day job saving the planet at Canada’s largest environmental non-profit.

An unapologetic introvert, Amy reads too much and socializes too little, with no regrets. She loves connecting with readers. Join her Facebook Group, Amy Aislin’s Readers, to stay up-to-date on upcoming releases and for access to early teasers, find her on Instagram and Twitter, or sign up for her newsletter.


Giveaway: Amy Aislin is celebrating the release of Home for a Cowboy with a fantastic giveaway! Win 1 of 2 paperback copies of Home for a Cowboy + a fabulous character art print and swag. Must be 18 to enter and win. Open internationally.

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