Impractically Works

I was working on a scene in a book and it was giving me issues. For some reason what I wanted to happen just didn’t seem to be working. I did everything I could to get it to work. Nothing worked. Finally I discussed it with a friend. She asked me to describe what I wanted to happen in the scene.

I did in detail and ended with that it wasn’t working. She calmly said to think outside the box and write it so it can work. Of course I was exasperated since that didn’t help me. Well I put the story aside for a bit. I just picked up the story again and read it. As I did it was as if a light went off. Since the practical wasn’t working I was about to go the impractical way. Thinking outside the box if you will. So now that I am going with the impractical the scene has flowed the way I want. The story is now moving well and I am once again loving it.

So the impractically works you just need to find another way that works.

McKenna Jeffries
…. sensual, edgy, unexpected

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Impractically WorksConquering Jazz – What’s a woman to do when she unwittingly makes a tantalizing proposition to her best friend?

Be brazen, bold and set some ground rules. Her offer. One night of carnal bliss. No emotion allowed.

His counter offer. A continued affair to fulfill all their sexual cravings.

His hidden agenda. Conquer to make sure their affair never ends.

Buy here at Liquid Silver Book.

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