Nancy Lee Badger's SMOLDER & Giveaway

Smolder by Nancy Lee Badger

 SMOLDER by Nancy Lee Badger

Multi-published and award-winning author, Nancy Lee Badger, announces her 19th book. The author has used her love of all things Scottish, as well as years as a volunteer at a Scottish festival, to bring her readers another series. Smolder is the 3rd book in the Clan of Dragon series. It is a paranormal fantasy romance and is set centuries ago on the Scottish island of Skye.

 Smolder by Nancy Lee Badger

Clan of Dragons

Fiona, a white doe, searches for her missing friend across Skye. Shifting, she swims in a fairy pool, until a dragon and two humans arrive. Their conversation about a festival makes her wonder if her friend might also visit the village.

Dougal, tasked with the safety of his kin while they celebrate Beltane, shifts into a human form. He would rather fly high, or race through the forest as a red stag. Spying the white doe he has sought for months, he follows her, but pirates, a villain, and drunken celebrators keep him from his task. Will he ever find her, and make her his? A dragon-shifter in pain wants nothing more than to fly, and he sure as hell kneels to no one.

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Nancy Lee Badger's SMOLDER & Giveaway

The Giveaway:

Since I mention hot and spicy mulled cider, roasting pig, chickens, and venison, I have put together a HOT PRIZE PACKAGE to celebrate the release of Smolder.  This book follows Spark and Smoke, so you can see where I am going? Food and drink help the characters in this story celebrate Beltane, a Celtic holiday (think our modern May Day rites of the coming summer). 



*Southern Cooking cookbook

*McCormick Allspice for the Cider

*ButterSCOTCH Candies

*no purchase necessary!

(Open to Continental US addresses.

Any International winner will receive

An ebook from Nancy’s backlist)

Giveaway runs until midnight EST Saturday March 25th

  Nancy Lee Badger's SMOLDER & Giveaway




More About the Author

Nancy Lee Badger loves chocolate-chip shortbread, wool plaids wrapped around the trim waist of a Scottish Highlander, the clang of broadswords, and the sound of bagpipes in the air. After growing up in Huntington, New York, and raising two handsome sons in New Hampshire, Nancy moved to North Carolina where she writes full-time. Nancy is a member of Romance Writers of America, Heart of Carolina Romance Writers, Fantasy-Futuristic & Paranormal Romance Writers, Triangle Association of Freelancers, and the Celtic Heart Romance Writers. Nancy and her family volunteer each fall at the New Hampshire Highland Games surrounded by…kilts!

 Connect with Nancy Lee Badger

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3 Responses to Nancy Lee Badger’s SMOLDER & Giveaway

  1. Tracy Shafer

    Thank you so much for the chance.

  2. Nancy Lee Badger

    Thank you for allowing me to come by and talk about my latest release. I hope your readers will give it a try!
    Nancy Lee Badger

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