One More Christmas Contest

merrychristmas_0064792.jpgOh it is still Christmas season and we will give away a few more books 🙂

What is your favorite childhood memory from Christmas? Do you have a romantic story that you would like to share with us that happened around Christmastime?

For this contest you can win a copy of one of the following books:

Copy of Love
Quotes and passages from the heart
Edited by B.C. Aronson
Random House
Copy of Dictionary of Love
John Stark, Avon
Copy of Great Kisses…and famous lines right out of movies
Timothy Knight
Harper Collin

15 Responses to One More Christmas Contest

  1. Amelia/Harley Rose

    My favorite Christmas memory will be this year’s. This may be the last year I will have my dad with us as he has been diagnosed with cancer. They can’t stop it, but they are trying to slow it down. My mom has alzheimers and this may be the last holiday where she can still remember good things and her family. This year my dad surprised us with a new computer, so I can get my novels done and continue with doing my reviews for Romance Junkies. My kids were wonderful and it was a happy time to see what Santa left for us. My daughter was so surprised when she saw the computer. She said that she asked Santa to get us one, but she never expected to get one. The other thing is when we looked out the window on Christmas morning and had several inches of snow. It was just like Ralphy on the Christmas story when he woke up on Christmas day! Trees coated in white and snow gently falling down.

  2. Sherri

    Not sure that it’s really romantic but my son was born on the 18th, which was the day after my mom’s bday, so that is a good thing that happened around Christmas time. My favorite memory about Christmas from when I was a kid was when I was about 15 my mom got each of us three girls a beautiful marble topped jewelry box. This was especially special because my mom never celebrated Christmas and always called it ‘just another day’. I still have mine and treasure it now since she has been gone for 13 years now.

  3. Karen H in NC

    My favorite memories are when I was a kid. On Christmas Eve, my mother’s brother & sister and their families and my family would get together for gift exchange and dinner. We would alternate the gathering place so every year a different house. On Christmas Day, after opening our gifts, we would gather at my father’s family home for a huge (he’s from a family of 10 kids) family gathering. The kids would receive a gift and we would all enjoy a big meal with lots of traditional Swedish food. Great fun.

  4. Amelia

    My favorite Christmas memory is when my family and relatives (especially my aunt, and uncle and my youngest cousin comes down from IL) gets together and eat a restaurant. We would also talk, take pictures, and hang up.

  5. B. C. Aronson

    My favorite Christmas memory comes in the form of three little black and white videos from the early 1950s. “Hardrock, Coco and Joe,” “Suzie Snowflake” and “Frosty the Snowman.” (Can be viewed on YouTube). Every year after the local evening news, the local TV station would play these cute little films and my dad and I would sing along. By the way, I am the Editor of “Love,” which you are giving away as a prize – thank you so much for honoring my little book. You have made my Christmas!

  6. catslady

    I have to say it was when I got my cat (a wild feral barn cat). As a young child I had asked for a pet for years and years and really never expected to get one. And look at me now – I just got my 7th and take care of ferals/strays. The fact that my parents weren’t really animal people still amazes me to this day that they got me one.

  7. anne

    My most cherished Christmas memory took place when we went downtown to the largest department store in the city. This was an exciting adventure for me since we rarely ventured that far from home. The department store was beautifully decorated and we would stare at the huge picture windows with their displays. Afterwards we went upstairs to the toy department, where they had this wonderful train where each child had the opportunity of a ride which ended too soon, but with a surprise gift. After this fun we went to the ornate restaurant and had tea. The department store has changed and we have grown up and moved far away.

  8. RobynL

    My favorite memory is one evening the week before Christmas Mom and Dad would get out the bags of candy(back then the candy came in individual brown paper bags/candy bought in bulk), the Christmas oranges and baking and pop. We would sit around as a family and taste. One thing I liked about this was the shelling of peanuts and other nuts and we’d have a contest to see who could get nuts out of the shell in whole. Also, Dad taught us how to peel a Christmas orange with the whole peel in tack.

  9. Linda Crooks

    My favorite Christmas memory from my childhood is the artificial Christmas tree we had every year. It was the silver kind, and it had a color wheel that turned and shined different colored lights on the tree. OK, a memory maybe even better than that would be my mom’s Christmas cookies. She always baked a ton of them. Yum!

  10. forgetfulone

    A clear Christmas memory is when my Papaw (my dad’s dad) took one of his old boots and wrapped it up in pretty paper for me as a joke. I didn’t think it was too funny at the time, but now I love to tell that story because it makes me feel closer to him when I remember his silliness, and I miss him.

  11. Little Lamb Lost

    My then fiancee proposed to me on the Christmas holiday in which we were celebrating at his parents place. We had just hiked up and had a great view of mountains on a clear, crisp day when he got down on one knee and asked me to marry him. We have been happily married for over a decade now and I always feel that the event added much to my love for Christmas.

  12. Krysten

    My favorite Christmas memory was getting a call from my then boyfriend (now husband) who was serving in Iraq at the time. Even being all the way over in a war zone, he managed to send me a giant teddy bear holding a heart (the bear took up one side of my bed), a dozen roses and a set of DVDs from my favorite TV show. Of course the best gift was when he came home safe a few weeks later!

  13. Amanda

    I jsut loved how my whole fmaily would get together and sit by the fire and talk. my favorite memory is when my older sister would come out and visit.

  14. ellie

    My favorite Christmas memory is when I was taught how to make connoli. I had been helping when I was young but never permitted to take part in this major holiday tradition until I was 8 years old. Then I was deemed old enough to assist. this made me feel so useful and important. I loved this part of the holiday and still remember it fondly.

  15. tina brunelle

    my favorite christmas memory I have two, one year when i was about fiveisn my mom worked at a cotton mill was a single mom so she didnt have much money, we went to the salvation army for gifts. I got my first doll there. to this day i give back to them for that.
    and another year as adult, my hubby was out of work. my daughter gave me a box of paper flowers she made and she told me she put kisses on each of the flowers for me.made me cry in a good way.