A Thousand Miles

  • Author Bridget Morrissey
  • Release Date June 21, 2022
  • Publisher Berkley
  • ISBN/ASIN 9780593201176/‎B09GW2977C
  • Our Rating
  • Reviewed by Michele Rioli

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Our Review

A THOUSAND MILES is an irresistible mix of sentimental moments, comical occurrences and a potent romance. It follows a cute couple, Dee Matthews, co-host of a hit podcast and Ben Porter, a handsome, middle school teacher, who are high school best friends. They reconnect after ten years of silence and go on a promised road trip to Colorado. Dee is a well-known podcaster and has hinted at her best friend, Ben, for years under the code name, Name Redacted, on her show. What happens when you put a couple with shared sexual emotions and awkward communication in the confines of a small car? Explosions of all kinds and more! Will their hearts survive driving together? Stay tuned as the wheels turn…

A THOUSAND MILES is a heartfelt, thoughtful, crazy beautiful story. Dee and Ben have natural chemistry and the author breathes deep life into them. I loved Dee’s dramatic, independent, earthy personality. Ben compliments her in many ways with his open, sincere and generous nature. I was surprised many times with all the antics they encounter on their trip to Colorado. Their journey is difficult at times but they both do a lot of soul searching and fix their relationship. Do they ultimately find their happily ever after? Come on a journey as a misguided couple learn to move on from their messy past. A THOUSAND MILES is a treasure trove of heartfelt warm fuzzies.

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