Peach Blossom Hollow: A Sweet Friends to Lovers Romance

  • Author Jean Oram
  • Release Date September 8, 2022
  • Publisher Oram Production
  • Our Rating
  • Reviewed by book lover

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Our Review

PEACH BLOSSOM HOLLOW: A SWEET FRIENDS TO LOVERS ROMANCE, by Jean Oram is part of the Hockey Sweethearts series.

Violet Granger has had her heart broken so many times she’s decided she’s been cursed when it comes to love. She’s determined to break the curse until she meets Leo Pattra, former bull-riding champion turned NHL hockey player, which just happens to be the team Violet works as the team mascot. Leo is just what she’s looking for in a man— kind, sweet, and isn’t bothered when she gets tongue-tied whenever he’s around.

Leo Pattra knows nothing about long term relationships, but Violet may change all that with her quiet wit and shy awkwardness. And even more surprising, she’s the first woman he’s missed when he’s not with her. The only hitch, he’s looking for a woman to help him achieve his goals of financial security, and Violet isn’t that woman…or so he thinks. 

I loved this fish-out-of-water, friends-to-lovers, small town romance. Such a nice change of pace to read a sweet romance with great characters. I was rooting for Leo and Violet all the way. PEACH BLOSSOM HOLLOW has it all and doesn’t disappoint! I loved this heartwarming, happily-ever-after. 

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