The Twelve Dogs of Christmas

  • Author Lizzie Shane
  • Release Date September 29, 2020
  • Publisher Forever
  • ISBN/ASIN 9781538735879
  • Our Rating
  • Reviewed by Jo

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Our Review

THE TWELVE DOGS OF CHRISTMAS was an enjoyable and fast-paced read, especially with the shelter and the dogs front and center to the story. Ally and Ben’s attraction seem to be secondary since her grandparents and the shelter are her main concern. She also needs to decide what to do with the rest of her life. Should she stay in Pine Hollow and try to become part of the community or return to her lonely existence in New York?

Ben is guardian to his niece, Astrid, who lost her parents two years before. He’s trying to live up to his sister’s and brother-in-law’s image, which is no easy task. He faces challenges in parenting Astrid, sometimes pushing others away. Astrid and Ally get along well and both are resourceful.  Astrid is helpful anytime she’s around the dogs.

In this first book in the PINE HOLLOW series, I felt like a welcomed visitor. There are plenty of Christmas activities to fill the holiday spirit. Filled with small town gossips, family and friends, the story is a feel-good romance, especially when the dogs find their forever homes. The descriptions of setting and character are vivid, and the plot flows nicely.

There’s nice closure as well as hints of what’s to come next in Pine Hollow. The cover is vibrant and showcases the dogs. I have the next two books in the series to read and can’t wait to be back in Pine Hollow. 

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