Valentine's Day: More than Chocolate

Valentine's Day: More than ChocolateDon’t you agree? And could someone please tell my husband, who stood in line at the local candy store amidst a crowd of sick and coughing chocolate-buyers today so he could cross “heart-shaped box of dark nuts and coconut bonbons” off his to-do list?

…or maybe not, because hi, my name is Emily Ryan-Davis and I do love my dark chocolate. But I also love everything else about the Valentine portion of this month. February is pink and hearts and flowers, chocolate and reservations for French toast piled high with fresh whipped cream, silky lingerie and giggling trips down the feminine care product aisle at the grocery store so you can give “warming” lubricant  a try.

Valentine's Day: More than ChocolateFebruary is also about The Vagina Monologues.

Is that the sound of your reading flow coming to a shrieking halt? Sorry. Oops. I think the V word might require a little forewarning and I snuck it in there. But it’s out, so…

The Vagina Monologues. Says amazing things about our sexuality, our self-respect, the life lessons we learned as girls and as women. If you haven’t had the opportunity to see a live production, you should look into it. (Google “the vagina monologues [your state or city]” and I’m sure you’ll turn up some hits for this year, productions usually scheduled for Feb 13 and 14). I saw a performance live at a local college campus a few years ago, with a pretty blonde senior crawling around on stage belting out sounds of orgasm at the top of her lungs and other womenn proudly shouting the c-word (our c-word, not the man’s c-word) in defiant reclamation. The experience was pretty amazing and I think I’ll take my own advice again this year to find a local production.Valentine's Day: More than Chocolate

But this really isn’t about vaginas. I promise!

It’s about love. Romantic love, loving ourselves, loving one another. This year I get to celebrate Valentine’s Day with my first story in print, “Wednesday at the Manporium,” which is included in DREAMS AND DESIRES VOL. 3 – an anthology published for the third year by Freya’s Bower.

The DREAMS AND DESIRES project was launched by Marci Baun, editor in chief of Freya’s Bower and Wild Child Publishing. A collection of stories ranging from sweet to erotic, from historical to futuristic, the anthology is a collaboration undertaken with love. And it’s all about love–each of the three volumes.

My contribution (which I wrote under my real name) came to be after I spent some time last year wishing I’d built a hope chest for myself, and trying to figure out how to physically build one (or find out where to buy a nice one). I was riding shotgun with my husband (as I usually do; I daydream too much to be a safe driver) with “hope chest” playing over and over in my head, and bam–the story appeared with a puff of smoke.

Abigail, a young woman living in an age of virtual wish lists, is shopping for a husband. She’s been preparing for this moment her entire life. While waiting for her special-order man to appear, however, she realizes a grave error. Did she really specify five testicles?!

Want to find out? Want to give yourself a gift of romance while also contributing love to women who are struggling to find a little in the world?

DREAMS & DESIRES volumes 1, 2 and 3 are available in print and e-book format, directly from the publisher as well as from – and in e-book format, it can be waiting for you Saturday.

Happy Valentine’s Day, each of you. I hope your day is filled with love.

Valentine's Day: More than Chocolate

And I hope your special someone remembers the chocolate.

x’s and o’s,

Emily Ryan-Davis

10 Responses to Valentine's Day: More than Chocolate

  1. relies on

    I am not very wonderful with English but I get hold this rattling easy to read.

  2. Marci

    This is a wonderful post, Emily. I’ve read The Vagina Monologues, but never seen a production. I would love to. BTW, one of the ways the St. Bernard Battered Woman’s Shelter (the shelter volume three benefits) raised money to rebuild was with a production of The Vagina Monologues. Good for them!

    We were delighted to have you. 🙂 And it’s a great story, everyone. Can you imagine the amount of… never mind. (grin) I won’t go there. (grin)


  3. Kate Pearce

    What a great post and congrats on your upcoming print debut-it sounds fascinating 🙂

  4. Renee Knowles

    LOLOL! Great post. D & D #3 is on the top of my list for this week!


  5. Adelle Laudan

    LOL I’d love to see the stats on how many people Google, The Vagina Monologues after reading your post LOL I’m thrilled to ba a part of Dreams and Desires 3. It really is a collection of stories that has something for everyone. And, you get to help a worthy cause with your purchase. A Win/Win situaltion all the way around.
    Happy Valentine’s Day!

  6. Trinity Blacio

    OH sigh haven’t gotten anything from hubby in years for Valentines but this year even if he wanted to he couldn’t to broke. But I love reading about others. You are amazing Emily.
    Trinity Blacio

  7. C.C.

    OMG! Five?? Five testicles? Okay, this I gotta read! LOL.
    Good luck on this worthy project.
    All the best.

  8. Crystal Jordan

    I’m single, so I’ll have to buy my own chocolate…for my annual Anti-V-Day party with all my single girlfriends 😉

    And I’m so glad I’m not the only one who came to a screeching halt at “five testicles”! *giggling madly*

  9. Jeannie

    It sounds like a wonderful anthology! This may be the perfect Valentine’s day read.

  10. Minx Malone

    My hubby better remember my chocolate! That’s the best part about Vday.

    BTW – Five testicles? I have to read this now!
