Welcome Back Guest Blogger Taige Crenshaw!!!

The Emotion of Writing

By Taige Crenshaw

I had another interesting discussion the other day. Okay I’ll admit it was more of a debate. It was concerning a book a mutual friend and I had both read. She didn’t like and I loved it.

That led to a long debate of us both listing out points and countering why we liked or disliked the book. We got loud and emotionally about our point of view. It was interesting. We had others around us who had read the book chiming in and those who hadn’t asking more about it. It even led to other discussion of various author’s work we liked, did not like, the reasons why or why not. It was a very reveling conversation.

This is the emotion of writing. No matter if your book is not liked or liked. It has created an emotion. As an author this is what I want to do. Whether it is good or bad. I want you to feel it. The one thing I do not want is apathy. That is like a punch to any writer. Please NO APATHY. Give me any emotion and I will feel that I have done my job.

Now I am not saying if I get a bad review or email that a reader didn’t like my work I won’t get a little upset at first. But when it comes down to it I will be content and happy. I created a reaction.

An Emotion.

I touched the reader in someway. From that little debate I had the other day. I realized that people will remember you if they have enough emotion whether good or bad. I got a few new authors to try just from that conversation alone. Hey just because someone didn’t like a book doesn’t mean what they saw as flaws I or another reader wouldn’t see as treasures.

Come on and share the books you have read and created strong emotion. Don’t be shy it can be good or bad.

Carnal Awakening

Carnal Awakening TC

Ellora’s Cave

July 2007

ISBN #: 978 14199 11859

Genre: Fantasy

Series: Immortal Blossom~ Book One

Length: Quickie

Format: E-Book

Buy Link: http://www.ellorascave.com/AuthorsBooks.asp?AuthorCode=TCre

Shay knows the closest she will get to Mikhail is in her erotic dreams. Her fantasies are better than any reality she has ever experienced. She dare not get close to Mikhail even though her senses go haywire whenever he is near. The unruly urges of her body don’t rule what she does — at least until a very special gift lowers her inhibitions.  

Mikhail has a mission and nothing can stand in his way. Yet he can’t get Shay Coles out of his mind or dreams. He cannot afford any distractions no matter how delectable they are. But duty cannot withstand the heat of desire.

Author Bio: Taige Crenshaw has been enthralled with the written word from time she picked up her first book.  It wasn’t long before she started to make up her own tales of romance.  

With novels set in today, in alternate dimensions, or in the future she writes with adventure, fun sassy heroine’s, and sexy hero’s.


Always hard at work creating new and exciting places Taige can be found curled up with a hot novel with exciting characters when she is not creating her own. Join her in the fun, frolic, interesting people  and far reaches of the world in her novels. Taige is an multi-published author with books available at Ellora’s Cave Publishing, Liquid Silver Books and Total-E-Bound.

Check out Taige these places below. 

Website: http://www.taigecrenshaw.com (website)
http://www.taigecrenshaw.com/blog (blog)
Chat Group: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/crenshawcafe

Newsletter: http://www.taigecrenshaw.com/newsletterandgroups.shtml

Free Reads Site: http://www.satinnotes.com  

One Response to Welcome Back Guest Blogger Taige Crenshaw!!!

  1. Selena Blake

    I agree with you Taige. Give me emotion. Give me something, anything. Make me mad. Make me happy. Make me cry. But make me feel something… I get so tired of books that lack personality, drive, emotional hooks.

    Torture the characters a bit. Increase the conflict. Even toss in a dead body. But don’t let me close the book feeling apathetic. It’s the best way to get me to mark your name off my list of authors to read. :

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