Carolyn Brown Q&A--The Lullaby Sky

A Q&A with Carolyn Brown, author of The Lullaby Sky. … The Lullaby Sky is filled with characters that showed up in my head and refused to leave until I told their story. When I heard Hannah’s story, I knew it needed to be told to give hope to women in abusive situations.
A hearty hello to everyone at Romance Junkies and thank you so much for inviting me to sit a spell with you folks and talk about my newest release, The Lullaby Sky.
I am so glad you could join us here at Romance Junkies. To start, will you please tell us a little bit about your current projects?
The Lullaby Sky is filled with characters that showed up in my head and refused to leave until I told their story. When I heard Hannah’s story, I knew it needed to be told to give hope to women in abusive situations. One of my dear friends told me that with my humor, I could never write about the darker things in life, but I’m hoping that The Lullaby Sky brings light to the darkness and that women will relate to Hannah’s good heart when she decides to give back.
When was the moment that you knew you had to be a writer?
I was about five years old and figured out that all those squiggly things in the book that my teacher gave me made words and that words made a story. I was hooked from that day and wanted to write as well as read.
Who gave you the one piece of writing advice that sticks with you to this day?
Don’t ever give up or stop submitting! I have enough rejection slips to wall paper the White House. I’m talking about the big, real White House, not a little white frame house at the edge of town. It took more than twenty years of submissions before I was published but I never gave up.
Describe the “perfect” hero. What about the “perfect” hero for you?
The perfect hero doesn’t have to be perfect physically. Travis wears glasses and has a secret profession that most folks would think was a little “sissy” but he’s got a good heart. He is kind and sweet and considerate. Those things make for a perfect hero. My own personal hero and I have been married fifty years (I was a very young bride at 17!). He’s my biggest supporter and I can’t thank him enough for all he does to help me keep up with deadlines and “writing one more chapter”. He attends conferences with me and he’s also an author—mystery is his game!
What are some of your favorite pastimes? Do you have any hobbies or collections?
I tell myself every time I finish a book that I will take one week to do nothing. On the first day, I usually clean up my office which looks like a paper factory exploded. By the second day I have a notebook and a pen out and I’m writing out a plot for the next book. So I guess my pastime is visiting with the voices in my head. Collections? I hate to dust! That being said, I told my kids years ago if I can’t eat it up, use it up or wear it out in one year, then please do not buy it for me. It has cut down on a lot of dusting.
What has been your biggest adventure to date?
Well, now, that would have to be the Greyhound bus trip I went on when I was 17. I went from Ardmore, Oklahoma to Harrisburg, Pennsylvania all by myself to marry a man I’d never met. I’d just graduated high school and he’d just gotten out of the Army. We were married six weeks later. No one thought it would last and everyone thought I’d lost both my sane brain cells. That was fifty years ago. I think they might have been wrong.
How do you describe yourself? How would your family and friends describe you?
In my mind’s eye, I will always be that 17 year old, sassy girl who knew exactly what she wanted. In my friends and family’s eyes, I am a mother, wife and grandmother who makes bread and cinnamon rolls and has Easter and Thanksgiving at her house every year.
What project are you working on next?
Right now I’m finishing up The Strawberry Heart’s Diner, a romantic women’s fiction that will be published in the summer of 2017. Next year there will be a bumper crop of books hitting the market with three romantic women’s fictions in the works, four cowboy books and some reissues of older cowboys that are getting new covers. So keep your reading glasses handy and a fresh bulb in the lamp beside your favorite recliner.

The Lullaby Sky
The Lullaby Sky by Carolyn Brown
September 13, 2016
Contemporary Romance
Montlake Romance
After seven years of misery and abuse, it’s all over—Hannah O’Malley is officially divorced. Hallelujah. It’s like every Christmas in her life all rolled up into one glorious day. Not only does Hannah get to keep her grandmother’s spacious old house, but she has full custody of her sparky five-year-old daughter. All Hannah has to do now is put the past behind her.
And now that she’s free, she wants to make a difference. With the help of her warm, close-knit circle of friends—including her high school crush, Travis Wilson—Hannah begins turning her home into a safe house for other women who’ve endured the pain she’s known. But even as life and laughter return to Hannah’s home, she’s haunted by the memory of her dangerously unstable ex. With a second chance at love on the horizon, Hannah must face down her past in order to let the sunshine back into her life.
Author Biography
Carolyn Brown is a New York Times and USA Today bestselling author, as well as a RITA finalist. She has written several beloved and popular romance titles, ranging from historical to contemporary to cowboy-themed. She and her husband live in Davis, Oklahoma. They have three grown children, and enough grandchildren to keep them young.
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So glad to have you here, Carolyn!
Thank you so much, Marie!
Thank you so much for letting me stop by and visit today. I’ll be around all day and would love to answer any questions that y’all might have. So grab a glass of sweet tea, prop up your feet and let’s talk.
Of course ms Carolyn is my all time favorite author and she knows it. I’m also her favorite stalker. I’ll try this, Carolyn if there’s one thing in your life you could change, what would it be!
Kim, I love it that you are my stalker. It makes me feel special to know that I’m important enough to have my own personal stalker. LOL!! If I could change anything in my life? Probably that I would get comfortable in my skin a lot sooner than I did. I never did care much what people thought of me and did things my own way, but there was that little inkling down deep that wanted approval. When I got past that, I found a lot more peace.
Yeah I know what you mean. Congrats again Carolyn on the new release!