Happy Halloween--It's Swag Time for 4 Lucky Likes!

We at RJ love Halloween! And to celebrate, we’re giving away swag packs to four lucky U.S. winners. All you have to do to enter is like us on Facebook–and if you already likes us, you’re already entered to win. We’ll choose our contest winners before the night ends. That’s it!
Random acts of spooky like. Ha. We’re giving away 4 swag packs of great stuff we collected from RWA 2016. Pens, bookmarks, buttons, excerpts, free downloads, you name it. We’re giving it away!
All you have to do to enter is like us on Facebook. Ease-ee. So if you already liked us, you’re automatically entered to win. Note: Prizes will only be mailed to U.S. addresses.
We’ll be drawing 4 random winners by the end of the night, announced November 1st. Good luck!
Great thanks