Eve Langlais is a multi New York Times and USA TODAY bestselling author who offers paranormal and science fiction romance, usually with a twist. She is hybrid author with over 90 titles published in a variety of formats including ebook, print and audio. She also has works contracted with St. Martin’s Press. She currently lives in Ontario, Canada with her husband and three children and is a member of ORWA, SFWA and NINC.
It’s my great pleasure to introduce to you (to those few who haven’t heard of Eve!) to the bestselling, phenomenal Eve Langlais. When we at RJ decided to have an Indie Author week, featuring independent authors we thought our readers should know, Eve definitely came to mind. She’s written over 90 books and has hit the NYTimes and USA Today lists with her sexy, humorous paranormal and scifi romances. If you’re in the mood for an awesome romance, look no further. And note the awesome giveaway below! Thanks for being here, Eve!

Q & A
Please tell us a little bit about yourself. *Here’s the boring part. I am forty three years old, married coming up on 18 years, and have 3 kids, 2 dogs, 2 cats and some fish. Just an ordinary housewife living in Ottawa Canada who writes steamy paranormal and science fiction romance lol. I blame the long and cold winters for my vivid imagination.
When did you know you wanted to write books? Was there a defining moment for you? *I started writing on a dare from my husband. I said a certain book sucked, he said, if you think it’s so easy, do better. Being a good wife, I was determined to prove him wrong. That was in 2009 and I’ve been writing ever since.
What’s your favorite type of hero and heroine to write? What qualities make them stand out to you? *I love a bit of a bad boy hero, the grumpy kind with a huge chip on his should. Then I pair him with an over the top bubbly heroine. For some reason that is my favorite matchup, watching Mr. Grumpy find himself drawn to a sunny disposition and fighting it every inch of the way.
Why did you choose to go indie instead of a different publishing path? *I actually started out with small presses, loved them, but then started reading Konrath’s blog about the indie process. Intrigued, I self published my first title in May of 2011. What an eye opener when it came to the difference in revenue. I’ve been publishing almost exclusively indie ever since. I love the control over every aspect and of course, being able to write what I like.
How do you like interacting with readers best (i.e. live chats, Facebook, Twitter, reader events, etc.) ? *Facebook is my medium of choice. I find it the best platform for interacting and sharing pictures and tidbits. I also do a few conferences a year. This year I am involved in the Romantic Times Convention(May Atlanta) and Romancing the Capital (August Ottawa).
Who are some of your favorite authors to read? * Love Darynda Jones and Ilona Andrews. They are auto buys. Their world building is epic and their writing so engaging.
Please give us a brief glimpse of a typical writing day for you. *I am a workhouse. Up between five and six. Emails, social media, web updates, other updates until about 9. Then writing until I do a minimum of four thousand words. On a good day it’s five. Then more emails and stuff until either my heads wants to explode or my ass goes completely numb. LOL. I tend to stop around 3 or 4 and then do a quick check in around 6ish for about a half hour or so. I do this Monday to Friday, with Sat and Sunday being catch up days for small stuff, no writing. I try to get out of the house or spend time with family.
What are 4 fun facts you’d like readers to know about you? * I am a chip-aholic. Am ridiculously terrified of spiders. Seem very outgoing but actually suffer from anxiety before social events. And I swear. A lot. The f-word being my bomb of choice.
What advice would you give aspiring writers in today’s market? *Don’t rush and present your best possible story. There is a lot of competition out there now. If you want to stand out, you need to give readers a quality experience.
Tell us about your next upcoming release. *My most recent romance offering is Dragon Squeeze which released 2 weeks ago. A rather lively dragoness encounters a geeky human while investigating a medical institute. She wants to add him to her hoard but first has to survive not only the mystery she uncovers, but her mother’s snobby attitude.
Dragon Point Series: Dragons do exist and they have their own society, a secret one. And humans aren’t invited.
Eve is giving away one random paperback–worldwide! Simply comment here to be entered to win. What paranormal romance pairings are your favorites?
BIO: Eve Langlais is a multi New York Times and USA TODAY bestselling author who offers paranormal and science fiction romance, usually with a twist. She is hybrid author with over 90 titles published in a variety of formats including ebook, print and audio. She also has works contracted with St. Martin’s Press. She currently lives in Ontario, Canada with her husband and three children and is a member of ORWA, SFWA and NINC.
I’m a huge fan of shifters of any kind. I love it when two different types of shifters are paired together. Eve has some great pairings in her shifter books. Right now, my favorite shifters are dragons and bears.
I have a soft spot for dragons and bears. Also lions lol and pirates and bunnies lmao I do love all your books and let’s not forget the aliens and ostrichs and so many more lol.
I love all paranormal romance but I really love all shifters! Although lately its been more along the lines of not true shifters. More a species thing. Like the New Species series or The Breeds series.
Congrats on this latest release… I love paranormal romances and enjoy a wide range of pairings… favs, probably shifters and humans…
My current favorites are bear pairings with anything….
My favorite pairing right now are dragons with humans or dragons with dragons. My first though was wolf shifter pairings ?
I do have a soft spot for the rare pairing of shifter and vampire