SMOLDR Romance Writing Contest

Hello Darlings,
How intriguing that we’ve found each other. It seems you are as enamored of romance as I am, non? Gold Man Review and The SMOLDR Creative Group is running a unique romance contest that takes place in the enchanting town of Lake Covington. My hometown, to be exact…
Hello Darlings,
How intriguing that we’ve found each other. It seems you are as enamored of romance as I am, non? Gold Man Review and The SMOLDR Creative Group is running a unique romance contest that takes place in the enchanting town of Lake Covington. My hometown, to be exact…
I can assure you there’s nothing more satisfying than discovering the secrets our bustling town has to offer. Trust me, I’ve been uncovering juicy tidbits for years. It’s addictive, and oh so rewarding.
I’ve some titillating gossip, just for you. I wonder if you’ll be able to discover more about our towns residents than I. I dare say you’re up for the challenge, yes?
Within Lake Covington you’ll find several lustful locals in need of your matchmaking assistance. Once you enter the contest and pay the entry fee of $5, you’ll be assigned a couple, a romantic trope that is predominately used throughout the genre, and a spellbinding location. After you receive your items, your job is to create a tantalizing story that leaves us breathless within 5,000 words.
There will be 18 winning stories that are guaranteed publication in our Lake Covington anthology with a projected publication date of February 14, 2020. Of those 18 stories, three will be considered for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place prizes. First prize winner will receive $500, second $250, and third $100. We ask for first rights to publish with exclusive use for 60 days. After that time, all rights revert back to the author.
We hope you consider visiting our quaint town at and getting to know our residents and learn more about Lake Covington.
Au Revoir,
Collette La Coste
Twitter: @ColletteLaCoste
Facebook: @smoldrromance
I’m writing a story for this contest. Here come Henri and Jessica. Squeeeee!