The Au Pair Review

The Au Pair by Emma Rous

From our reviewer BPoston, THE AU PAIR get a 5 Heart, Recommended Read!

While going through her father’s things after his death, Seraphine Mayes finds a family picture that doesn’t make sense to her. The picture is a family portrait with her father, mother, and older brother taken the day she was born. However, the picture only shows her mother holding one infant instead of the twins she just gave birth to. Hours later, her mother is dead and the family au pair gone…


While going through her father’s things after his death, Seraphine Mayes finds a family picture that doesn’t make sense to her. The picture is a family portrait with her father, mother, and older brother taken the day she was born. However, the picture only shows her mother holding one infant instead of the twins she just gave birth to. Hours later, her mother is dead and the family au pair gone.

Seraphine is puzzled by the picture. Why is there only one infant in the picture? Her mother looked so happy and serene. What happened to make her jump to her death from the cliffs surrounding the family estate? She begins trying to unravel the puzzle of what happened that day and how it might be connected to her father’s death. What secrets were her parents keeping from her and her brothers? To try to get answers, she first must find the au pair, whom she believes knows what happened and why. 

THE AU PAIR is a gothic novel that has so many twists and turns. It was a joy to read and takes the reader on a ride that keeps you guessing until the very end. This is a great read by new author Emma Rous, and I look forward to seeing what she creates next.    

Recommended Read

  • AUTHOR Emma Rous
  • RELEASE DATE January 8, 2019
  • PUBLISHER Berkley
  • OUR RATING ♥♥♥♥♥

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